Post Affair Pitfalls

After the affair, if you have reconciled and decided to continue with the relationship, it is a good sign. It also shows Reviews your sense of responsibility, mature approach and the seriousness you attach to the relationship.


But you should be alert to some after the pitfalls in which many people fall quite often. If you are the victim of the affair, you are liable to fall prey to certain emotional triggers. Once you fall into one of these post affair pitfalls, it will become virtually impossible to save the relationship and you will have to kiss goodbye to your marriage.


So, what are the pitfalls I am talking about?


1) Hidden feelings: If you are the victim of infidelity, then you would have felt hurt by what your spouse has done. The feeling of hurt would have evoked a sense of frustration, inadequacy and anger. Dating When you have made up with your spouse and decided to forgive them, your feelings of anger, frustration and inadequacy did not evaporate. They had just gone into hiding. They would have just buried themselves into a deeper part of your mind, waiting for an opportunity to come up to the surface.


2) Suppressed anxiety: Once you have experienced that your spouse had an extra-marital relationship, you will be haunted by a fear that your spouse may do it again. This will be the case however convinced you are about your spouse's remorse and the resolve to not go astray again. Because this is a subconscious feeling, you will neither be aware of it nor be able to control it. But the sense of anxiety will be troubling you silently making you feel tense and uncomfortable most of the time.


3) Not showing Trust: Even after forgiving a cheating wife, you may not be inclined to trust them completely. This lack of trust will show off in several ways. In the normal course, a person doubts the spouse's words, it will be considered normal behavior. But, if after forgiving a cheating spouse, you show some reluctance to believe any of their words  will send a signal to them that you are not ready to trust them. More serious instances of lack of trust can occur if you ask them questions about your spouse's relationship with a friend or colleague belonging to the opposite sex. Even a question out of curiosity may be construed as an expression of suspicion.
